Author and pleasure coach

Hello, big beautiful world!

I'm Morgan, the passionate founder of this sacred sanctuary dedicated to empowering both men and women in the divine realms of sex, soul, pleasure, and play—all my favourite subjects.

For the past four years, I've journeyed as a sex-positive content creator, delving deep into the industry, only to swiftly retreat upon witnessing the disconnection it fostered. The hidden agenda of the industry seeks to prevent our brothers and sisters from experiencing the true magic of holy communion with each other - pushing us to chase illusory dopamine highs, and keeping us all entangled in confusion.

I love expressing myself in my raw naked form, but I now do so in a much different way.

I'm channelling all the wisdom I've gathered into the educational space. My mission? To help you explore your divine sexuality and pleasure in the safest, most enlightened, and holistic way. To ignite a pleasure revolution, revealing the pure essence of these sacred realms and reclaiming our birthright to feel absolutely all of it without shame.

I intimately understand how sexual trauma can cloud our relationship with our own sexuality. Through my own healing odyssey, I’ve embraced the shadows. Venturing into the depths of what society deems "dirty" and "taboo" was my personal revolution. It was liberating, transformational, and wildly freeing to shed societal constructs and immerse myself in a space that once filled me with fear.

By diving into the depths of my sexuality and awakening the ancient wisdom within tantric teachings, I discovered the magic and purity within sex and pleasure. It’s not a shameful act but a sacred ritual. I was both in awe and dismayed at how far we have wandered from our true sexuality. Through this journey, I transmuted my sexual trauma into potent power and liberation. I rewrote my narrative, and now I guide others to do the same. This path awakened something primal within me, a force that tasted of blood, soul, and sweat.

This spiritual journey has allowed me to forgive the men who burdened my body, those who attempted to steal my spirit.

Healing these wounds revealed that men, too, need a sacred space to learn about sex and pleasure. Much trauma stems from a larger agenda designed to pit men against women - vise versa. To heal the collective, we must first heal ourselves, which for me meant forgiving those who hurt me.

With clarity, I saw that our brothers never intended harm; they, too, struggle with their sexual barriers. When men have the opportunity to understand their sexuality and appreciate the sacredness of sex, they become better partners for us all. By fostering confidence and encouraging open, heartfelt conversations with our men, we can collectively reduce trauma and create a world where everyone feels empowered and honoured in their skin.

As you may have assumed by now, it felt inevitable for me to fall in love with Tantra. I fell head over heels for its sacred interconnectedness. In embracing Tantra, sex and pleasure transformed into a birthright—a divine ritual that allows me to express the depth of my being. It's no surprise that this sacred realm has been shunned and corrupted because its purity surpasses even that of the church and its earthly saints. Its magic is powerful, and that's why its truth remains hidden. To keep us apart at the heart. To keep men and women at war.

XMAG isn't merely about sex, and my pleasure coaching isn't just advice—it’s a spiritual movement. A communion of the sexes. A pleasure revolution. Because pleasure is pure, and this world craves it. Our sisters deserve it and our men want to give it to us, for this reason, I am deeply committed to helping everyone embrace their sacred bodies with confidence.

My liberation space is on Sunroom. It’s like Instagram but without censorship. Here, I am unfiltered, raw, naked, and brimming with wisdom. This is where you'll find all your tantric education, pleasure coaching and embodiment inspiration, free from the shadows of being banned or silenced.

Whether you are a survivor of abuse, struggling with shame or self-doubt, seeking bedroom tips, or yearning to deepen your connection with pleasure and self, know that you are not alone.

Join me in my online spaces, and harness the power of pleasure and play to create a world where everyone feels empowered to embrace their desires without fear or judgment.

Or, just come see me teach some very important things naked! 😉

Welcome to XMag—where I guide you to create a sacred relationship with your sex, soul, pleasure, and play.

With love & orgasms,

Morgan McGreevy xxx
