Reclaim your body, your pleasure, allow your voice to roar, rewrite your narrative and watch them burn.

We are awakening a primal dark force through an ancient blend of pleasure and words.

Originally valued at $222, this transformative experience is now available for - just $22 through my app.


Because every woman deserves to heal after sexual abuse or trauma thus I wanted to create a space accessible to all. Heal in a way you never knew existed. I want this journey of mine to reach those who feel lost, shamed, silenced, or bound by their past. You have the tools for your rebirth inside of you - the death is a gateway.

In this masterclass, you will embrace the darkest facets of your being to transmute every shade of pain—from grief and rage to pleasure, or should I say through… —into your most potent power just as I did.

Discover the hidden wisdom of your body and words.

Learn how to harness your pleasure as a tool for radical creation, healing and POWER.

Through my app, you will unlock a doorway to:

🔮 Alchemy

🧜🏽‍♀️ Archetypes

✍🏼 Spell Work

🌚 Shadow Work

💦 Pleasure

& the sacred energy of the sex witch.


For just $22 a month, you gain unrestricted access to my app, where the secrets of the dark feminine and the art of pleasure await. With your subscription, you not only dive into the Pain to Pleasure Masterclass and my Naked Education—an immersive tantric exploration of sex, soul, pleasure and play—but also receive 24/7 access to me. Engage directly through chat, voice messages, and video feedback, or book personalised coaching calls to solidify your new delicious learnings and insights.

What sets my app apart? There’s no lock-in contract. My courses and education are all bite-size meaning you can take and leave what you want. Stay as long as you find value, and opt-out at any time once your journey is complete. This flexible approach ensures you get the full benefit of the experience without any long-term commitment unlike other coaches out there keeping you for weeks to months at a time.

Learn at your pace, at your price.

Harness the power of pleasure, alchemy, and the sacred energy of the sex witch on your own terms.