XMAG was originally created from a dream to create a personal XXX magazine with playboy-styled shoots, erotic poetry and contiguous conversations around women's sexuality - thus the name XMAG was birthed. That is still a dream I want to accomplish but currently, I have a handful of works available in my online bookstore, with many more in progress. The pieces to come will perfectly align with XMAGs mission, aiming to ignite and aid in the exploration of sexuality.

Shadowwork is my specialty, and I am deeply passionate about guiding others through their healing journeys by illuminating the shadows within them through writing. Sexual healing shadow work journals are on their way.

I aim to create a trance-like state through my words, allowing for clear channels to access magic from your higher self. When you start writing like this, completely surrendering, something takes over your hands, and truths you never knew existed begin to pour out - this is where you find your blockages. I am on a mission to show the world that the magic they are searching for is through their pens.